How do You Pull Out of a Sales Slump?
Slumps can happen to anyone, at any time, in any market. In most cases, they usually have little to do with the auction economy. Slumps are usually the result of loss of focus, self discipline, self doubt and negative talk. Regardless of the reasons for your slump, it is important to realize that slumps are expected and that they need only be temporary if handled properly.
1. Begin with an admission that you are in a slump. Stay away from negative people. View yourself as an appreciating asset, Invest in yourself and take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way on the grounds that every such investment makes you that much more valuable to yourself and to others. Visualize positive results often, always assume the auction contract prior to negotiations etc. See yourself enjoying the benefits that your success brings you. Conceive, believe, achieve!
2. Review your goals. They should be clear, specific, written down and measurable overtime. They should be attainable. Be sure you include action steps so that the goals can be reached, not pie in the sky dreams. Goals give you energy and focus. They make repetitive tasks have more meaning and value.
3. Dramatically step up your prospecting. Ninety-Five percent of all of your problems can be solved by developing consistent prospecting habits. You need to look for business everyday. The first thing that suffers when a slump is developing is consistent prospecting. It should be a part of your “To Do” list every working day. Fear of rejection is the culprit for not doing so. Normal human tendencies will have you avoiding things that cause anxiety. Prospecting activity makes you feel happy with yourself. It’s like exercise. The more we do the better we get at it. We develop endurance.
4. Listen to tapes and read motivational material. Stop in and spend some time in Mankato during an auction school session. Include a couple recent best selling books in your “diet” as well. Refuse to “ingest” negative talk. Focus on that which you can control, your attitude, and things will quickly turn around . 5. Review your time calendar. Are your days too cramped with non- productive activities. Change your daily pattern. Focus on talking to four people a day about an auction, two in the morning, two in the afternoon. Show, me an auctioneer that will go out and tell his story to four people everyday and I will show you an auctioneer who simply cannot fail. Do not get caught up doing $5/hr tasks if you’re planning to earn a six figure income in this business. Control your time; do not let it control you. Hire a person to work with you. If he/she is not an auctioneer send him/her to school in Mankato and expand your efforts through the arms and legs of other people. Association is life, isolation is death. Take time off to keep a balanced Lifestyle. You’ll end up being more productive. Some suggest taking a day off a weak and a month off a year. At the end of each day for the next 180 days, ask yourself, “WOULD I HIRE MYSELF, BASED ON WHAT I DID TODAY?” Success to you and have a bunch of great auctions.
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