Monday, April 2, 2007

Better Products Make Better Sales?

It is an age-old concept that better goods attract more customers, but what most people do not understand is what makes a better product the better product. In the American commercial environment, the actual quality of a product often comes in last when considering what really affects the sales numbers. Rather, the most important thing is to help people believe that you have a better product. This is accomplished several ways, but the first, and possibly most important step to creating a better image of your products, is to be different.

The first person you need to convince that your product is different and unique is yourself, the owner. Products do not make themselves unique, salespeople do. Those retailers blinded by the idea that customers buy products because they believe in their unique quality all on their own are seriously mistaken. The reality of product image is that customers are attracted because the seller believes in the unique quality of their products. It all depends on the seller and their ability to differentiate their product.

There are so many areas in retail sales that can be different from other competitors. The way you and your sales team handle customers is sure to make a difference. Consider how you make appointments and how you confirm them. Are there any ways to make this easier or organized? Think about how you begin and end sales calls and how you ask sales questions. Do you and your sales staff do anything to set you apart from the rest? It is time to get creative and operate in a way that makes you completely unique. Possibly the most important thing to consider is how you present your products. Do customers believe your sales personnel that this product is truly unique? The only way for this to happen is to truly create this belief among salespeople. Customers will believe it if you believe it. However, the physical presentation of the product is also of very great importance. Retail store display fixtures such as mannequins, gridwall displays, slatwall accessories, clothing hangers, and showcases can make all the difference when designing the presentation of your products. Think of ways you can use store fixtures in different ways such as colors or positions. There needs to be something different about your sales floor.

Differentiating your products through unique customer service and product image is proven to create sales. Consider the iPod from Apple. There are thousands of mp3 players on the market that sell for fractions of the cost of iPods, but the iPod is unique. Why?? Because apple says so. Customers need to believe they are getting something different from your retail store, and if they do, they will pay more for it. Don't let prices sell your products, let people sell your products, because when price is involved in sales, it always goes down. Customers will gladly p


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