Friday, April 6, 2007

It's a Sad Dog That Can't Wag It's Own Tail

As a small business owner or Salesperson you need to remain positive and up beat at all times. You need to be able to remain happy and outgoing. When someone says to you how’s it going or how’s business you need to be able to say great, fantastic, couldn’t be any better.

Just like no one wants to pet a sad dog, no one wants to do business with a sad or unenthusiastic business person or salesmen. You need to find something to be positive and upbeat about every day. If that first sales appointment doesn’t work out you need to see if you can learn from it and move on. I actually make the first sale of every day I run appointments. The sales I don’t make were like practice, pre tests or experiments. If I go a whole day without a sale well I had a great day at school because I learn something with every missed opportunity.

You need to get the right mindset. If you don’t think every day is great day try missing one. Do positive things and you will be positive. Surround yourself with the right people and you will be positive. Instead of watching the news read a book by Zig Ziggler, Or Anthony Robbins. Listen to a tape by Wayne Dyer or Brian Tracy. Fill your mind with positive self talk.

I start every day reading pages 36 and 37 from Think and Grow Rich. If you want to be enthusiastic act enthusiastic. If you want to be happy smile and clap and laugh and act happy. Always look for the positive in every situation. Its up to you, you can get bitter or you can get better. I choose to get better.