Friday, April 6, 2007

Stay In Touch With Customers For One Key Reason and 12 Appreciative Ways

There is one key way you that can differentiate yourself. If you systematize follow up with prospects, you will reach 80% of people who make their decision not on the first call, not even on the third contact, but somewhere between the fifth and twelfth.

With a follow-up system you want authentic business reasons to keep staying in touch with your prospect. Here are twelve ideas get you started:

- Send something you know of personal interest. Maybe during early contact, your prospect talked about an interest in tennis. You find out about a tennis match or you come across an article. Copy this and mail it to your prospect.

- Within 30 days of their purchase or working with you, ask them for a testimonial.

- Offer an idea, valuable information, that you know will help. Telephone, email or send a card with this idea.

- Are you able to ask for your customer’s birthday? Everyone likes to be remembered on their birthday!

- Invite them to an event. It could be a workshop, a telelclass, a networking event or a client appreciation.

- Pick holidays that get under served and send a card.

- Make up your own holiday. How about an anniversary card around the date you first met them?

- With gift cards being so available, send a small gift of something they can use either for themselves or someone important to them. A gift card to Starbucks, or Barnes and Noble or many other choices.

- Ask them to complete a survey. Most people love giving their opinion!

- Be a web-weaver. Did they mention to you a need they were trying to fill – a new barber or hairdresser, great restaurant recommendation? Whatever it is, show them you listened and let them know your suggestion.

- If you learn of something they are recognized for, send them a note of Congratulations.

- Be sure they get a newsletter or ezine from you.

The key in differentiation, no matter what you sell, is to build and maintain your relationship with prospects and clients. Be sure and help them remember you throughout the year so that when they are ready to buy your product or service they think of you.

Valuable information: Greeting card research shows that real paper cards as a marketing tool can generate a response rate of more than 50%, while a typical direct mail response from a flyer or the like gets around 2%.