Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Do You Have a Thirty Second Selling Proposition (Commercial) About Yourself?

As a self employed business owner or sales person you really need a quick 30 second proposition statement. This statement should tell the person you are speaking too, enough about yourself or your business to make them curious and want to ask you more questions about what you do.

As an example if you ask me what I do for a living which of the following replies would you react more favorably too.

1- I sell life insurance.

2- I help people achieve financial independence by showing them how to earn $500 to $1,000 a week on a part time basis with the opportunity to move into a full time career, by helping families protect their most valuable asset their home.

I’m pretty sure you will respond you like number 2 better. Most people think of life insurance sales people in the same category as lawyers and used car salesmen. Heck no one likes a salesman. But number 2 doesn’t even say the word sales in it. In fact I am not a salesman, nor do I sell Life Insurance. I happen to be a Mortgage Protection Specialist. Now most people that meet with me do in fact give me a deposit check for a first month premium and they do buy Mortgage Term Life Insurance but I don’t actually sell it to them I simply help them get approved.

It’s not what you say but how you say it. People don’t like to be sold but they do like to be approved. When I speak with people on the phone (to set an appointment) and then again right at the start of the in home presentation I tell people I can't sell you anything. All I can do is help you find a program that meets your needs and budget, then help you fill out a simple form and see if we can get you approved with the company.