Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Salespeople: Build Your Sales by Eliminating Their Risks!

We were stuck in a recession that some folks thought teetered on a depression.

Enrollments in my public seminars were shrinking. My sponsors canceled one program after the next.

Where would my revenues and profits come from?

Absolutely nothing about the QUALITY of what I do or the value clients get from it had changed. I wasn’t the problem.

The national refrain became, “It’s the economy, stupid!”

But I wouldn’t surrender to that sort of excuse making.

I needed a solution, and fast.

Suddenly, it hit me. I had to absolutely, unequivocally GUARANTEE the success of my programs, whether they were public seminars or extensive on site development programs.

And this is exactly what I did, and it made a night and day difference, well, practically overnight.

My prospects needed to be assured my consulting and training remedies would work. They and their companies were so worried about sustaining losses that they had to be told, emphatically, “With me, you cannot lose!”

What’s interesting about this move is I waited until times were tough to make it. Without a poor economy I would have muddled through the same way I always had done.

But bad times forced me onto a very good thing. As long as I did GUARANTEED selling, and featured this “can’t lose” message, I couldn’t lose, either.

Plus, it forced me to rethink my deliverables and to focus more on achieving specific, measurable results. I monitored my progress more carefully. Greater accountability made for a better all-around business.

If you can figure out ways to dramatically reduce or to altogether eliminate your buyers’ risks, you will get more sales, larger individual orders, and close business faster than ever before.

Is there a downside?

Yes, if clients are ONLY buying your guarantee, and not the underlying benefits of your products and services, you’ll be giving them an opportunity to undo deals, and a fraction of them will do just that.

Also, this appeal may resonate better in poor versus robust economies, but I believe it achieves better results in both, and still, the pluses outweigh the minuses.

When it comes to selling, at least from the client’s viewpoint, the thinking is:

No risks bring BIG rewards!